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Marc G. Romney


Microbiology and Virology


Medical Microbiologist

Assistant Department Head, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Division Lead, Medical Microbiology and Virology

Marc G. Romney





Clinical Professor, UBC



BSc (With Distinction), University of Calgary

MD, University of Western Ontario

DTM&H, University of London

FRCPC (Medical Microbiology)

I grew up in Alberta and Ontario, and attended medical school at the University of Western Ontario. After completing an internship (PGY-1) at St. Paul’s Hospital and working as a General Practitioner in the community, I received my postgraduate training in Medical Microbiology from the University of British Columbia. Before joining Providence Health Care, I was a member of the Epidemic Intelligence Service at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Havey TC, Hull MW, Romney MG, Leung V. Retrospective cohort study of inappropriate piperacillin-tazobactam use for lower respiratory tract and skin and soft tissue infections: Opportunities for antimicrobial stewardship. American Journal of Infection Control 2015;43(9):946-950.

Lloyd-Smith P, Younger J, Lloyd-Smith E, Green H, Leung V, Romney MG. Economic analysis of vancomycin-resistant enterococci at a Canadian hospital: assessing attributable cost and length of stay. Journal of Hospital Infection 2013;85(1):54-59.

Lloyd-Smith E, Hull MW, Hawkins D, Champagne S, Kerr T, Romney MG. Screening for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in community-recruited injection drug users: are throat swabs necessary? Epidemiology and Infection 2012;140(9):1721-1724.

Lowe CF, Romney MG. Bedbugs as vectors for drug-resistant bacteria. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2011;17(6):1132-1133.

Lowe CF, Bernard KA, Romney MG. Cutaneous diphtheria in the urban poor population of Vancouver, British Columbia: a 10-year review. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2011;49(7):2664-2666.

Romney MG, Hull MW, Gustafson R, Sandhu J, Champagne S, Wong T, Nematallah A, Forsting S, Daly P. Large community outbreak of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 5 invasive infection in an impoverished, urban population. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2008;47:768-74.



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